PinnedCardView top left and right rounded corners not showing.I have recently encountered a bug where I was setting the card radius to 25 dp yet it was not rounding the top corners of the CadView but…Mar 18, 2020Mar 18, 2020
PinnedAdding a SimpleDateFormat to UTC Date in KotlinExample: 2019–12–14T10:30:00ZDec 14, 2019Dec 14, 2019
PinnedCIRCULAR IMAGE VIEW ANDROIDAll you need is to wrap your ImageView inside a frame layout.Then set the background to the FrameLayout as a custom drawable.Jun 25, 20191Jun 25, 20191
What are JWTs?There are various methods used to authenticate and authorize people using an application; among them is token-based authentication…Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
Mobile Regression Testing vs Unit Testing ExplainedTesting a mobile app is an important step in the software development lifecycle, but it’s often overlooked. Software engineers often…Sep 15, 2022Sep 15, 2022
an error occurred while installing ffi (1.9.17), and bundler cannot continue.Background:Jul 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022
Published inBetter ProgrammingSchedule Jobs in Ruby on Rails With Whenever GemGet hourly reminders to drink water on slack.Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022
Picking a Random Element from an array in RubyTo pick a random element, you will use the sample ruby method. So to pick a random pun from the array below:Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
If you are seeing this message, your binstub at ./bin/railsRunning rails s I get the errorFeb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022